Wednesday, September 28, 2016



蓝色涂块的上边是白/蓝, 下边是蓝.
同理: 黄色涂块的上边是 白/黄, 下边是黄.

网线水晶头里线的顺序:(正面) 左到右

白黄 - 黄 - 白绿 - 蓝 - 白蓝 - 绿 - 白棕 - 棕

从入户主干线,使用 白黄,黄,白绿,绿. 连接到客厅端口的 白黄,黄,白绿,绿.









Sunday, September 25, 2016

mini cooper 更换左后减震顶胶及拆纵臂加强件

2014年2月 更换了后减震顶胶... 当时更换完左后侧的之后,把车降下来的时候听到一声清脆的塑料咔查声.. 当时检查了一下没有发现异常...






Saturday, September 24, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

mini cooper Service Interval Display reset

保养周期显示 (SIA) 的复位通过组合仪表按照一个规定的步骤用分行驶里程表复位按钮进行。

保养周期显示 (SIA) 向驾驶员和修理厂显示是否到了里程保养 (换油保养或保养检查) 或定期保养的时间。车辆的保养周期并不一定要绝对地按照行驶里程数,而应该根据耗油量来计算。

到下次保养检查的剩余里程和剩余时间:组合仪表自点火开关位置 1 起,或者在发动机起动后会有几秒钟显示到下一次保养检查或下一次换油保养的剩余里程。如果在显示到下一次保养检查或换油保养的剩余里程时按动组合仪表上的分行驶里程表复位按钮,每按动一次,显示会从剩余里程切换到定期保养和切换回来。保养周期显示过程中,里程表和分行驶里程表以及车载电脑功能被屏蔽。如果在剩余里程前有负号,说明剩余里程已超过显示的里程数。

保养周期显示 (SIA) 数据也存储在灯光开关控制中心 (LSZ) 内。在更换组合仪表时和通过底盘号码成功进行设码和配置后,保养周期显示数据被传送到组合仪表。

保养周期显示 (SIA) 可用组合仪表上的分行驶里程表复位按钮复位。各项复位均可单独进行,但必须达到通过设码数据规定的耗油量或最短时间。为了进行里程保养复位,必须达到设码规定的耗油量的 1/5,定期保养可在达到设码规定的 20 天时间期限后复位。可以对到期的里程保养 (换油保养或保养检查) 和定期保养分别进行复位,但必须先 ”复位里程保养”。

复位保养周期显示 (里程保养)

1.将点火开关切换到位置 0

2.按下分行驶里程表的复位按钮,按住按钮并将点火开关切换到位置 1


3.按住按钮,5 秒钟后会显示保养状态

◦显示的内容包括 SIA OILSERVICE (保养周期显示 换油保养) 或 INSPEKTION (保养检查) 和剩余里程。

■如果达到设码规定的最小油耗限值并能进行复位,则显示带 ”rSt” (reset (复位)) 的剩余里程。

■如果显示不带 ”rSt” (reset (复位)) 的剩余里程,说明未达到设码规定的最小油耗限值,不能进行复位。


◦如果达到设码规定的最小限值,按住按钮 5 秒钟即可进入复位模式。

■如果达到最小限值,则显示器中 ”rSt” (reset (复位)) 闪烁 5 秒钟。


■进行复位后,新剩余里程会显示 5 秒钟。


■旧剩余里程会显示 5 秒钟。

复位保养周期显示 (定期保养)。


•如果定期保养尚未设码,则保养周期显示结束会与里程保养的旧剩余里程 (如果尚未复位) 或与新剩余里程 (如果已复位) 一起显示。


到期的定期保养显示时会带有或不带 ”rSt” (reset (复位)) 字样。

•如果达到设码规定的最小限值,则到期的定期保养在显示时带 ”rSt” (reset (复位))。

•如果未达到设码规定的最小限值,则到期的定期保养在显示时不带 ”rSt” (reset (复位))。


◦如果到期的定期保养在显示时带 ”rSt” (reset (复位)),则按住按钮 5 秒钟以上。

■5 秒钟后 ”rSt” (reset (复位)) 闪烁 5 秒钟。

■如果此时要对定期保养进行复位,在 ”rSt” (reset (复位)) 闪烁时先放开按钮,再次按下,然后再松开按钮,即可对定期保养进行复位。

■新定期保养状态显示 5 秒钟,然后显示保养周期显示结束与新定期保养状态。


■旧定期保养状态将显示 5 秒钟,接着显示保养周期显示结束与旧定期保养状态。

Service Interval Display reset
The reset of the Service Interval Display (SIA) via the instrument cluster takes place according to a defined sequence using the reset button for the trip distance recorder.

Service Interval Display
The Service Interval Display (SIA) serves the driver and workshop as a display for the due date of a distance-based inspection (oil service or inspection) or a time-based inspection. The service intervals of the vehicle are calculated not only based on the kilometres covered but they are also related to the fuel consumption.

Remaining distance and remaining time to next inspection: As of ignition key position 1 or after starting the engine, the instrument cluster shows the remaining distance to the next inspection or next oil service for a few seconds. By pressing the reset button for the trip distance recorder in the instrument cluster while the remaining distance to the next due inspection or oil service is indicated the display alternates between the remaining distance display and the time-based inspection display every time the button is pressed. While the Service Interval Display is shown, the distance and trip distance recorders as well as the on-board computer functions are hidden. If the remaining distance is preceded by a minus sign this indicates that the remaining distance has already been exceeded by the indicated amount.

The data of the Service Interval Display (SIA) is also stored in the light switch centre (LSZ). If the instrument cluster is replaced, then coded and assigned by means of the vehicle identification number, the SIA data is transferred to the instrument cluster.

Resetting the Service Interval Display
The Service Interval Display (SIA) is reset using the reset button for the trip distance recorder in the instrument cluster. Each reset can be carried out individually, whereby the minimum consumption quantity specified in the coding data or the minimum time must have been reached. For the reset of the distance-based inspection, 1/5 of the coded consumption must have been reached; the time-based inspection can be reset when the coded 20-day time limit has been reached. Each due distance-based inspection (oil service or inspection) and the time-based inspection can be rest, whereby the action ”Reset distance-based inspection” always has to be run first.

Resetting the Service Interval Display (distance-based inspection)

1. Turn ignition lock to position 0

2. Press the reset button for the trip distance recorder, keep it pressed and turn the ignition lock into position 1 (terminal R) The input mask for the test functions appears

3. Press and hold the button; after 5 seconds, the service status is displayed
SIA OIL SERVICE or INSPECTION and the remaining distance are shown
The remaining distance is displayed with ”rSt” (reset) if the coded minimum consumption limit has been reached and can be reset.
If the remaining distance is displayed without ”rSt” (reset), the coded minimum consumption limit has not been reached and no reset is possible.

4. To reset

Press and hold down the button to enter the reset mode after another 5 seconds if the coded minimum limit has been reached.
If the minimum limit has been reached, ”rSt” (reset) flashes in the display for 5 seconds.
The distance-based inspection can now be reset by releasing, pressing again and releasing the button while the display is flashing.
After the reset, the new remaining distance is displayed for 5 seconds.
If resetting is not required, the old remaining distance can be retained by releasing the button and waiting for the flashing sequence to elapse.
The old remaining distance is displayed for 5 seconds.

Resetting the Service Interval Display (time-based inspection)

The time-based inspection can be reset after the distance-based inspection.

If the time-based inspection is not coded, End SIA is displayed with the old remaining distance (if this has not been reset) or with the new remaining distance for the distance-based inspection (if this has been reset).

The time-based inspection status is shown if time-based inspection is encoded.

The due time-based inspection is shown with or without ”rSt” (reset).

The due time-based inspection is shown with ”rSt” (reset) if the coded minimum limit has been reached.

The due time-based inspection is shown without ”rSt” (reset) if the coded minimum limit has not been reached.

To reset

If the due time-based inspection is displayed with ”rSt” (reset), press and hold down the button for longer than 5 seconds.

After 5 seconds, the display ”rSt” (reset) flashes for 5 seconds.

The time-based inspection can now be reset by releasing, pressing again and releasing the button while ”rSt” (reset) is flashing.

The new time-based inspection status is shown for 5 seconds followed by End SIA together with the new time-based inspection status.

If resetting is not required, the old time-based service can be retained by releasing the button and waiting for the flashing sequence to elapse.

The old time-based inspection status is shown for 5 seconds followed by End SIA together with the old time-based inspection status.



MINI COOPER 更换机油--2016秋

更换机油本是特别简单的事情..上次在MINI CENTER更换了之后,2年过去了,虽然公里数没到, 但时间到了.....

我本想自己更换..结果机滤壶盖非常的紧..也不知道MINI CENTER那帮人是怎么给拧的....




嘉实多的0w30. 买了6瓶

附近的修车店... 费死劲终于把这个拆下来了..


